Apple described it as a cross-licensing agreement which took account of its own patent claims but analysts said the net gain for Nokia indicated that the Finnish company had emerged as a strong winner in the case. 苹果将双方达成的协议称之为一个交叉许可协议,其中也考虑到了自己的专利权。但分析师表示,从诺基亚所获得的净收益看,这家芬兰公司已成为此案中的绝对胜方。
S.automobile industry instituted a cross-licensing agreement whereby patents were shared openly and freely amongst manufacturers. 在这个协议下,制造商们可以开放并自由的共享专利。
To avoid disputes, the two sides signed a patent cross-licensing agreement, under certain conditions to allow the transfer of certain patents to third parties. 为避免争端,双方签署协议达成专利交叉许可,允许在一定条件下把某些专利转让给第三方。
To expedite the work, the Fieldbus Foundation and ISA have entered into a cross-licensing agreement allowing the two organizations to collaborate on wireless networks. 为了加快工作,基金会现场总线和ISA达成了一个交叉许可协议,允许这两个组织就无线网络进行合作。
Firstly, Chinese export enterprises should complete the defence work, intensively studying U.S. Section 337, enhancing the awareness of American intellectual property and reaching a cross-licensing agreement. 首先,中国出口企业应该做好预防工作:深入研究美国337条款,提高知识产权意识,达成交叉协议。